Put Student Motivation First
Math Academy
It is often said that Math is the gatekeeper to STEM fields. This is because it is often a prerequisite to higher level courses and careers.

Starting January 2025 we are offering Saturday instruction for Algebra 1 students! This will focus on extending classroom instruction, providing individualized intervention, and developing learning strategies.
Two Saturdays per month
One-hour sessions
Google Classroom Support
​Cost: $50 per month
Specific Dates and Location To Be Announced
Limited Seating!
RECAP of the inaugural Math Academy
June 3 - 7, 2024
The objective of our inaugural Math Academy was to use a combination of enrichment, project-based learning, and fun, social learning activities in order to provide an experience that built confidence and proficiency in math. We worked with approximately 10 students ranging form 7th to10th grade over a five-day period for two hours per day.
The outcome exceeded our expectations. Students, many of which expressed their discontent for math at the beginning of the camp, loved the experience and improved from pre-assessment to post-assessment.
Students improved an average of 54% from pre-assessment to post-assessment!
Utilizing this one-week model we hope to demonstrate a framework that can be used for math classes and afterschool enrichment programs to accelerate learning.
Proposed Math Academy After-school Enrichment Program Components:
#1 Each week has a theme that is project-based and encompasses cross-cutting math concepts, creativity, and critical-thinking skills; students are placed on teams based on a pre-assessment, grade-level, and a team-based personality test (or discretion of faculty)
#2 Students are grouped for weekly instruction based primarily on grade-level and secondarily on individual pre-assessment scores; they are provided instruction based on the needs of the group and are pulled out for individual instruction as needed
#3 Students are equipped to self-regulate through developing a system of organization that utilizes a math notebook and an a self-paced online module that helps them independently identify deficiencies, work towards proficiency, and measure progress.
Looking to implement something like this at your school?